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About Bandinq

There is more to Bandinq than just a collection of amazing software features. The story of the journey that led to Bandinq's creation is one that hopefully resonates with each of its users.

How did we get here?

Back in 2016 the New York music scene was hotter than ever. Any Friday, Saturday or Sunday there was a solo artist or band playing all over the tri-state area. Original bands, cover bands, tribute bands and so many more varieties of amazing artists filled local venues and entertained numerous crowds.

A New Beginning

At the time, we were in a local tribute band partaking in the same grind as all the other local musicians. The struggle of finding musicians, picking songs, scheduling practices and getting each tune stage ready. Then having to call numerous venues to try and book the band, and crafting the perfect setlist to wow the crowd. Doing this all month after month while working a full-time job and finding time to spend with our families, it is all very cumbersome.

The Creation of Bandinq

After years of struggling, we took a step back and analyzed the challenge we faced in managing the band. We then used our other talents to create tools to help us in those areas. Compiling a list of local venues was the biggest challenge, but it made it easy to keep track of who we contacted, where we played and where we wanted to go back. We knew there was something special about this collection of software features, and we wanted to make sure it could be available to every musician. We have so much more to show you, and we hope you are just as excited as us!

Download the mobile app today to make managing your bands even simplier.

Take Your Musical Journey to the Next Level

Level up your band's success with Bandinq. Simplify books, streamline setlists, and take control of your music career. Get started today and experience the power of our intuitive band management platform!

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