Affiliate Program

Get compensated for helping us grow our platform to aid musician's on their journey.
It's a win-win-win!

Bandinq Affiliate Program

What is the
Affiliate Program?

Bandinq's Affiliate Program is perfect for individuals, brands, influencers, content creators, and publishers with a strong online following and a strong eagerness to help support musicians in their journey.

Perks of Being an Affiliate

Do you want to support local musicicans? Do you love meeting, talking to, working with, or promoting musicians? Do you want a simple way to make some extra side cash? Check out the Bandinq Affiliate Program!

Unlimited Access

Gain unrestricted access to Bandinq for as long as you are an affiliate. You will have the same access as a Rockstar!

Custom Promo

Affiliates are given a custom promo code for promotional use that provides a discount for the Rockstar package.

Affiliate Compensation

When users become a Rockstar using the affiliate's promo, they receive a cut of the subscription every month.

Bandinq offers a program in which we partner with individuals or companies in the effort of promoting the platform to musicians.

Users benefit by affiliates informing them of the platform and providing a code to discount their upgrade.
Affiliates benefit with unlimited access to the platform, and monetary compensation when users use the affiliate's promo code to subscribe to the Rockstar package.
Bandinq benefits by musicians learning about the platform and how we can simplify their bandn management processes.

There is not cost to be an affiliate for Bandinq.

Bandinq can provide promotional materials upon request. These materials can include fliers, business cards, digital imagery, or other physical or digital materials needed to assist in marketing and promoting.

Submit Your Application

Submit your application below to be considered for our Affiliate Program. Please include all relevant information used for affiliate marketing, including strategies or links to social media accounts.

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