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Venue List

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Venue List provides musicians with a comprehensive database of live music venues across the United States. Easily discover and locate music venues that cater to musicians, helping you find the perfect stages to showcase your talent and expand your reach in the vibrant music scene.

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Venue List by Bandinq

A Curated List

Our comprehensive directory includes a nationwide list of venues, sorted by proximity to your location for easy access. Each venue entry provides essential details, including the type of venue—whether it's a bar, club, winery, or more—and amenities such as food, drinks, stage setups, lighting, and sound systems. With robust filtering options, you can search by venue name, city, state, type, and available features, making it simple to find the perfect spot for your next show. Additionally, keep track of newly added venues so you can always stay ahead of the curve. Whether you're booking your next gig or exploring new performance opportunities, the Venue List ensures you have all the information you need right at your fingertips.

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Filtering for venues to make find the perfect venue easy

Find Venues with Precision

You can easily zero in on the perfect location for your next gig using our filtering options. Search by venue name to quickly locate specific spots you've had your eye on, or refine your search by city and state to find venues in your preferred areas. Whether you're looking for a familiar favorite or exploring new opportunities in a specific location, our filtering tools ensure you have the exact information you need to book your next performance.

Everything You Need to Know

Venue List provides a comprehensive snapshot of each performance space, ensuring you have all the details at your fingertips. For every venue, you'll find the distance from your location in miles, making it easy to gauge proximity. Each entry includes the venue type—such as a bar, club, or winery—and highlights key amenities like food, drinks, stage setups, lighting, and sound systems. Stay updated with information on newly added venues and access essential contact details, including address, phone number, email, and social media links. With all this information available, planning your next show is more efficient and informed than ever.

Music venues with all the information you need

Discover New Venues Instantly

Rockstars have access to new venues immediatly as they become available. You can filter your search to showcase only recently added venues, giving you a competitive edge in booking the hottest new spots before they fill up. This feature streamlines your search process, helping you quickly find and secure the most exciting new locations for your performances.

About Bandinq

Tailor Your Search

Dive deeper into venue searches with options that go beyond the basics. Filter venues by type—be it a bar, club, winery, or any other category—to find exactly what you're looking for. Enjoy the ability to refine searches based on specific amenities, such as whether a venue offers food, drinks, stage setups, lighting, or sound systems. Additionally, you can spotlight new venues to stay ahead of the game. These advanced filtering options ensure that you can pinpoint the ideal locations tailored to your performance needs with unparalleled precision and ease.

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Unlock Even More with Bandinq

Venue List is just one of the tools to streamline your workflow and keep you focused on what matters most — the music. Explore everything Bandinq has to offer and take your music to the next level.

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