Musician Finder
Coming Soon

Finding band members has never been this easy

Musician finder will help connect you with dedicated musicians across the entire United States with our intuitive musician networking software. Advanced filtering by the musician's demographics, musical genres, instruments, and availability will take the hassle out of finding your next band member.

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See what you can do

Musician Finder is comprised of a lot of amazing components that were all carefully crafted to make managing your band simpler. Check out the components below!

Rockstar 🤘
Allow yourself to be public
Add a "Ready To Rock" banner
Filter by demographics, genres, instruments, and availability
Send contact requests to musicians

See What Else You Can Do

Musician Finder isn't the only feature Bandinq has to offer. Make sure to check out everything else Bandinq can offer you!

See the Full List of Features and Pricing

Take Your Musical Journey to the Next Level

Level up your band's success with Bandinq. Simplify books, streamline setlists, and take control of your music career. Get started today and experience the power of our intuitive band management platform!

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