Showcase Series Featuring:

Yung Tutankhamun

September 2024
Yung Tutankhamun
Yung Tutankhamun Logo

Yung Tutankhamun


Mahoning County, OH

Original Band

Hailing from the valley of the kings

Yung Tutankhamun
Connect with Yung Tutankhamun

Like what you see? Looking to book them? Send them a message or give them a call! You can also connect with Yung Tutankhamun on social media to stay up to date on their progress and where they are see them live!

Yung Tutankhamun

Want to be featured in our series?

We feature an artist/band once a month in our showcase series! If you are looking to have your band/project featured in our series, set up your free Bandinq account and register your band!

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